Ease of Doing Business in Bureaucratic Setup.

Ease of Doing Business in Bureaucratic Setup.

March 27, 2021

It is well said that one knows better about any setup from an insider. I was going through the documents of the government that highlight their achievements in bringing ease in doing business for private players. MSMEs, Small business and entrepreneurs are the highlights of most government programmes. With every new rules and Act, they try to bring changes to promote private participation in government. It is always easier said than done, just like there is no business of the government in the business.

Earlier this month I was having a conversation with a person doing business with the government. The issues and problem that he pointed opened my eyes. To put the talks, in conclusion, The person at the implementing stage ( Bureauracary) creates bottlenecks. Instead of providing a helping hand in work, their rent-seeking behaviour hinders the work. Delay in inspection, Splitting hairs, Hand twisting and payments delay affecting the private participants.

This not only prevents active participation but also encourage corrupt practices on both sides. Boosting the business of private players need handholding by the government not just by providing business but also ease during implementation with proper guidance. Creating hindrance through laws and rules is not sustainable.

Recently, the Haryana Government passed legislation reserving 75% of jobs in private sectors for locals. How sustainable this is in a globalised world? I think they take “ATMANIRBHAR” very seriously (; (;. This creates a hardship for the private player in searching the talent in a limited pool. Gurgaon ( sorry Gurugram) is the hub for MNCs, how they survive with these rules. I am very optimistic that the Supreme court struck it down.

The point is very clear to see the development, not just growth country should look to every bits and corner, from cottage industry, agriculture to MNCs. Ease of doing Index which you heard a year back from every supporter of the government should start from scratch. By the way, Have you noticed? People were not beating trump on this index now the reason is that the world bank said it found some irregularity in data and put a question mark on the same. (Matlab wo sahi ni tha)

To stop the rent-seeking behaviour of the bureaucracy and stop unnecessary laws and rules that stop ease in operation we need a novel solution. Not a novel virus in the form of laws like that of Haryana. Bring IT solution, social audit, one-stop clearance with checks and the most important government should handhold. Shaking hand with corruption motives should be stopped.

Divyanshu Singh

( Views expressed are personal)

Divyanshu Vishen
Beginner... Learner..... Exploring better..


March 27, 2021 at 8:54 PM
Vartika Pathak

The way you frame out the essence of the matter and the crystal clear edges which make the entire reading self sufficient in itself only… Nice one… Well wishes and love for the future.. just keep going 😌

March 28, 2021 at 11:51 AM
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